Threesome's The Charm (Early Demo) (18+!)
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android
Please note that this is a very early demo with little content. I will try to update it monthly.
Threesome's The Charm is a simple, visual-novel style dating shagging sim.
It's not intended for anyone who is less than 18 years of age, anyone who shares a family computer, or anyone who doesn't enjoy male nudity.
Andrew is a popular webcam model, and he's definitely not ashamed of that fact. Because his equipment size is intimidating for most of his partners, Andrew is used to being a bottom - and doesn't mind. Still, he dreams of a man who could take all that he has to offer.
Sexuality: Gay
Package: Destroyer Of Worlds
Denny is a sweet man with a terrible lack of confidence. He's always wanted to be an artist, but just like with many other things in his life, he feels too inadequate to even try. Denny's biggest secret is that he just wants to be loved and pampered, but he's scared to even say it out loud out of fear that nobody would accept him in that role.
Sexuality: Gay
Package: Short and sweet
Don't let Radim's attire deceive you. He might look like a teacher or perhaps a golf player, but he actually earns his living by speedrunning obscure games and organizing... unique streams. Radim doesn't care what others think of him, as long as he feels like he's in control.
Sexuality: Pansexual
Package: A very joyful joystick
At one point Gary got simply tired of his high-stress job and quit. Now he makes his living by renting out a unit in the duplex he owns, and takes each day as it comes. He usually comes off as both blunt and intelligent, which can intimidate those around him. And that's just the way he likes it.
Sexuality: Bi
Package: Hits the spot
Erin is the most kind-hearted bimbo in the universe. Or in words that even he could understand - he's really nice, but also really stupid. He loves football, cats, baking, video games, and spending time with his friends. Erin is completely oblivious when it comes to sex, and gets flustered at a mere mention of anything dirty.
Sexuality: Straight (???)
Package: thicc

In case it's not obvious from his appearance - Marvin is one kinky bastard. The only thing bigger than his collection of toys is his imagination on how to use them. He prides himself on his ability to recognize just what his partners need - and give it to them.
Sexuality: Gay
Package: Studded stud
(Cumming in next update!)
Kyle might seem like a cold person at first, but the truth is that he only uses his grumpy persona to hide his shame. Marvin is the only person that Kyle feels like he can be himself in front of.
Sexuality: Androsexual
Package: Hard-earned hard-on
This is currently a very short demo of the game. Seriously, I'm not being humble here, there's really not much to see at this point. I have decided to make this game for the BARA JAM 2019, but when I joined there were only 11 days left. In that time, I have worked on this game in every spare moment I had, but it is still very, VERY far from anywhere near done. I will keep working on it in my free time, and upload the finished version as soon as it's ready (or perhaps I'll upload updates periodically, depending on the interest).
What can you expect from the finished game you ask?
Currently, I'm planning on creating at least 100 CGs (I'm insane, I know), with a lot of branching and optional events. The game will have 4 endings for each playable character, plus a secret ending once at least one of each character's endings are unlocked.
Some other things that you will find in this game in the future:
- Music. Right now the game is completely silent, but I am planning on creating a soundtrack from scratch. It's going to be pretty simple, but I hope it will still add some more atmosphere to the experience. (Or maybe I'll find someone to do it for me, depending on how much my computer can handle.)
- More sprites. There currently aren't many expressions and variants for the sprites, but I already have many more of them in the works.
- Two more major characters that were not introduced in the first demo - Marvin and Kyle. These two characters will also be "romanceable" (that means you can sleep with them. Multiple times. But yes, you can also build a relationship with them if you're so inclined.) Marvin may be a bit intimidating, but he will take a good care of you - just like he takes control care of Kyle.
- CG Gallery, so that you can go back to all the important parts of the game, and think about them deeply in your spare time.
Oh, and did I mention that the game will always stay free? Yeah. I mean it.
Current limitations / goals for the distant future:
- My laptop is a piece of shit. I have tried animating the characters' sprites and some of the scenes, but my computer simply cannot handle that. I would still love to come back to this in the future and animate both the characters and their sexy times.
If you think you might enjoy the game, I invite you to share your thoughts with me either here or on twitter. As this is my first game and I am developing it completely by myself, I always welcome feedback of any kind! And who knows, if you have something you'd like to see in the game, I might be able to work it in ;).
Development log
- Update on TouhaSep 02, 2020
- Current status, future plans, and some art previews!Mar 02, 2020
- Just a quick fixJan 06, 2020
- Android version is finally here!Jan 05, 2020
- New Demo v1.0Jan 05, 2020
- A Small DelayDec 23, 2019
- Next Update (this post includes NSFW pictures)Dec 03, 2019
- The Future of Threesome's The CharmNov 29, 2019
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Hmm... 4 years of nothing... Touha, you okay?
wonder if hes ok
I hope you get well soon Touha
Hope your ok and heard from you, we all hope you that your doing good even though your gone for a year but hope you see this one day to know that we care about you
Hey is this game is ongoing
I hope so.
you doing better? I just found this VN yesterday and I kinda got hooked on just the little bit there is. Just want you to know that there's still a lot of excitement.
Has this VN been abandoned?
Wow just found this VN an hope to see more soon. Can't wait for the final product to purchase.
Get well soon Touha, i will patiently wait for ur return
I always check this game once or twice a week to see any progress, I really dont want this project to be left and abandoned cause I really liked the Style and the way it's headin.
did you forget about the game or something
Can you actually have a relationship with Erin?
I just finished the demo and I really want the full game now !! It's really beautifull , fun with lovable characters. Really good beginning, making me wanting some more :)
Wow!! This project has me seriously intrigued, excited, and in utter AWE. I love right of the bat (as they say about first impressions…) Dev… you have a beautiful mind. I adore how the first character introduced on the screen, is aesthetically … Fk’n JUICY.Okay… you just wanna bend him over and… okay.. okay. You get the picture. BUT… IT get SO much better!! Bro… The next character is the pole (pun intended.) opposite of Mr. Juicy in like, every way imaginable!! He just appeals to the side of a person,that makes you wanna pull him in close, so he can feel you, he should be treated tenderly, as someone you cuddle up and pamper forever… until… your lust bucket fills up because there are just some things… you could never dream of doing to your “lil koala bear cuddle booty”… omg I haven’t even PLAYED the DEMO and I already have nicknames ready for my piq’ed intrest fav’s… damn. So yeah, you take the er’lust bucket on over to Marvin… because… daaaaaamn!!! OooooUuuu!! He… just fulfills your very secret desire… to be F’ked like an ANIMAL. He’ll respect your safe word because he is thee most trustworthy, non-judgemental person on the friggan planet. He will tie you up, slap you, fk you. call you his dirty bitch and then kiss you while you cry… (¬‿¬) Untie you, shake your hand firmly,while looking shamlessly at you eye to eye. Respectfully man to man…he says goodbye, and send you home. Lust bucket CURED. & EMPTIED. …(for now.) Dude… please make this game. It is a Gemini’s prime DREAM fantasy life!! The world needs this!!!(☞゚ヮ゚)☞☜(゚ヮ゚☜) “Build it and they will cum.”(⌐■_■) Sincerely, MaDDeR🍄HaTTeR🎩 … P.S. You are definitely worth the follow! We’ll be waiting for you! Best of luck!!
Latest updates?
You are killing yourself with this big of a project, but I love you for it xD
This game is off to a very good start! I can't wait for future updates :)
Looking forward to the next installment etc. I like it, funny and naughty! LoL,xx
Heya Touha, just want to check in for this game, i know you're busy but just want to know the future of the game? I really liked it and it worries me that its already 43 days since the last update, dont want to sound pushy but I feel like that this might become one of those games that i followed that upto now there was not any update or whatnot, but then again Good luck with the game if its still in the works 🤗
It's a strong start, enjoyed what I played so far. Hope you're able to work more on this and can't wait to see more in the future.
I love the game and the story looks like it will be very good, so I'm looking forward to the next update! And I would like to know about the current CGs, bc I can't unlock them all... Can you describe each one to me? like ... Andrew 1st CG: Gary and Andrew - Blowjob... something like that? pretty please?
As some of the guys below said, this is pretty impressive that you are doing everything on your own, so congrats...
And if you want some help I would be very happy to help you... I use photoshop to my designs and I also draw.... and it may seem very hasty or stupid, but I'm brazilian and I speak english, but i would love to see a version of the game in my main language. Anyway if you want to contact me feel free do to it... my email:
Have a good day!
Sorry for the late reply :'D. Things have been super busy at work.. I'm SO happy that you enjoyed the demo though! Makes me want to work even harder on the next update ;D.
As for the CGs, there's really not a lot in the game at this point. the next update is going to more than double that number, so if it's okay with you, I'd write the list of the CGs once the next update is finished :).
And thank you for offering your help! I would definitely love to translate the game once it's finished, and it would be a huge help to have a native speaker help me with that :)! I will send you an email and we can talk more through there ;).
Thank you again!
really love this game,even I only got the chance to play the beginning of it,I'm a guy form Asia so there's seriously a little chance for me to play a gay's game like this one,it's give me a whole lot of new experience..but there's a small problem I said"I only got the chance to play the beginning of the game",it was because when I process the story at some point(like when the charactar first move in and need to decide who to ask for help or frist time meet Marvin and decide what to do)the screen will became white and crash later....I don't know it was because maybe the game can't support the PC which used other language or what,but I really hope maybe you can fix it at some point.
and again really appreciate you work here...good luck on the future updates..and hope one day maybe it could play by more people
Thank you so much for your nice comment!
I'm really sorry that the game crashes like that. Does it give you some sort of an error window or anything? Or does the program just go white and freeze? I will look into this and do my best to fix it, so that more people can enjoy the game no matter where they are :).
Thank you again for your kind words and for bringing this to my attention, I really appreciate it! Hope you have a great day :)
Thanks for your reply!well I’m not an expert at I’m afraid I can’t tell you what’s going on precisely,but I can tell you that the screen went white like the soft is not respond to pc but without any hit it’s just I suppose there’s no error window or anything...and my reply here becomes lang...again
Anyway,hope you can fix it soon, and hope it won’t take too much free time of yours .look forward to your answer (I’m not petty sure if”answers”will be the right word here)and really excited for the day you complete the game...Maybe I could help you translate your game into Chinese and Japanese oneday
And (sorry for all this questions)have you ever considered get your game on steam? I mean if one game get on steam it basically means that people around the world could play it right?(and it can also made up for your free time too!
So this game is pretty dang awesome. The different MCs i love them all. Love their unique personalities,interactions, love how they have different kinks.
You may call this just a shagging game but it's really not. The talent on display even from the little we have is astounding. The fact it's just you doing ALL of this, is again amazing. The amount of planning, writing,coding and CGs for all the MCs' routes is mind boggling and I salute you.
Now on to the game itself. Erin's Username had me rolling, Erin you sweet summer child you, bless your heart.
Gary is great but his name makes me giggle, because there're these Youtubers that were Playing this game called Love Island one of the LIs i named Gary and everytime he was onscreen they yelled Gary in silly ways and now i can't stop hearing it.
He opens the door and he's like Let's Marvin Gaye And Get It On!
it's a reference the american singer okay i'll stop nowHe's kool also answering the door fully decked out in fetish wear, absolute king, living his best life. He's bit cocky but in a cool guy way.Denny oh boy way to create a character I imprinted on. He's a shy ball of insecurity and wow so am I feel so called out right now. Like if He was real we'd just vibe, it'll be low self-esteem vibes but still. Also he's freaking adorable.
Radim holy shit my guy. Some of his dialogue options :) Rady you've got to turn your energy all the way down, we appreciate the hustle but damn. In the words of Gary "What the F". This is not a complaint I love this this Country Club Golfer looking man. And that Marvin scene, how the tables turn. I'm going to have so much fun playing this sadist gamer(if he doesn't drink Mountain Dew aka Gamer fuel at least once I'm rioting)
Andrew twinks aren't really my cup of tea but I still appreciate the beauty of all body types and he's super pretty so ya know. His pretty self peaked my interest a bit then I read you gave him a massive dong, a twink with a Big One is one of my favorite archetypes. Actually I do have one criticism his package should be called The Murder Cock
jk unlessOh my gosh. I'm crying. Seriously. Tears everywhere. It's super ugly.
THIS IS EXACTLY WHY I'M MAKING THIS GAME. You. People like you. I just can't handle your comment right now, maybe because it's like 6am here and I still haven't fallen asleep, but mostly because you truly and honestly are everything I was hoping for when I made this! Like, this is it, this is the comment I was always dreaming of, and it happened, and now I can die happy knowing that someone out there thought my bullshit was entertaining. I might sound sarcastic, but I'm so serious it's not even funny (heh). Thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have no idea how much this means to me. It's like all the time I spent screaming at the code on my screen has been validated and my soul has been freed.
Just for you, my unknown friend, I will make Radim drink 2L of off-brand Mountain Dew in one sitting. And The Murder Cock will be forever commemorated in a special scene bound to make someone cry.
(PS: thank you for making me feel like a 16year old on tumblr again)
You're welcome. I'm glad my comment made you feel happy. I've so much respect for coders. Heh thanks for taking my suggestions. I egerly await more game updates. uwu
Finally i got to play it, all i can say is that its so good specially on how different MC have different perspectives or dialogues, my fave so far is Denny, hes so cute and i love his interactions with erin and gary, would like to see more of denny and erin though :'), Anyways, Good Job and thanks for the android version too, Good luck on the future updates!
Thank you so much for all your kind words, you have no idea how much it means to me to know that people enjoy the game :'D! And I promise there will be lots of Denny/Erin bonding in the future ;). I'm actually working on one of their scenes right now, and all I can say is that they're super cute together :D.
Oooh, I love the new CG! Hot damn, Andrew is quickly becoming my favorite twink!
But I loved the previous main menu art; I hope it's being used in another part of the game?
Definitely! I actually like that picture myself, so I'm thinking of re-drawing it in a higher resolution and turning it into a CG. Andrew's beginning might be kind of slower compared to the other characters in terms of how many events there are so far, but I have a feeling that he will end up being the one with the most CGs in the end :D.
Love this! Gary reminds me of Hawke from Dragon Age 2 haha. Keep it up!
Haha, your comment actually made me super happy, because I LOVE Dragon Age (and Hawke), so now I really want to put some sort of a little easter egg into my game related to this :D
Just wanna ask, will you be adding an android version anytime soon? I love the art and the characters so far just by looking and reading the descriptions.
I hope so. I've been trying to export the game for android for days now, and my computer simply crashes every single time I attempt it. But, I'm not giving up (even though I probably should at this point) :D!
Aww, thank younfor trying :) cant wait to play this game once it gets an android version, Good luck!
Hopefully, u can get it on Android soon! And good luck
Thank you! The luck seems to have helped, because the android version is now definitely coming in January!
Love the art style. Gary and Erin are so perfect. Erin is cute and naive and Gary is such a hunk. Can't wait to see more of the game :D
Yay! I'm SO happy you like them :D! I bet they're going to like you too ;D.
Looks very well, please, continue! :-) Díky :-))
Není zač :D! Jsem moc rád, že se líbí :D!
Ano, ano, už se těším na pokračování :-)
The main hero looks way too girlish to my tastes. Other guys are great.
Oh boy, do I have some good news for you there :D. You will be able to choose the main character's appearance in the finished game. I currently have three versions ("fem" - which is this one / "jock" / "bear"). I just have to figure out how to implement it without blowing my own mind in the process.
Might be too ambitious task. Just make him a more regular guy)
sometimes they want too much and “do” never ends.
:( But I like him exactly as he is now! In fact, he's the reason I hit the download button at speed light and shared the page on my discord server.
Ah, I'm so happy to see that I'm not the only one who can appreciate feminine guys! I'm really glad you like him :)!
Also, your comment almost made me cry not only because of the happiness I felt upon seeing that someone likes Andrew, but also because... uh.... I'm a HUGE fan of yours. Is this awkward? Probably. But I just... I own all of your games on Steam and A Hand In Darkness was actually one of the games that made me want to create my own visual novel :'D. I'm trying to calm my fanboy heart, but it's difficult. You're... really awesome and stuff :'D...
(Seriously, I feel like I'm in my early teens again, disgusting :D)
Haha, ooops! Thank you so much! I feel embarrassed every time I get this kind of comment, but I'm happy you like my stuff!
But above all, I'm glad we are getting /making more BL games and that it isn't a niche tag anymore! Thank you for making this awesome game! <3
is it just me or is the windows link broken atm?
Oh, that's odd. It seems to work perfectly fine on my end. What kind of error do you get when you try to download the game?
no archive found, I've downloaded it multiple times and get the error every time
I have tried downloading and running it on another computer and it didn't give me the same error, so I'm honestly not sure what the problem might be. I'll ask a friend of mine who might have some insight on this, but if you'd like, you can email me at and I can send you the files without them being in the archive.
its fine, I can just wait till the next time it gets updated. if I try going into the actual files it says its either an un known format or damaged, so the problem could just be something interfering with the files when I download it on my end so i'll leave it for a while then try again later
Im definitely give it a try when the Android version is out (cause I sadly still don't have a PC, thanks my shitty job)
You have no idea how much I feel that :'D. While I do have a computer now, it's just about the shittiest little laptop under the sun. Unfortunately the android version might take quite a while for that reason, because my computer freezes everytime I try to compile the game in that format. I'll keep working on it though!
I'll be waiting for it too 👍
will there be a mac or android version at some point?
Definitely :). I'm planning on playing with those after work today, so other versions might be available in about ten hours.
I have uploaded a Mac version now ;). I hope it works, but if it doesn't, just let me know and I'll work on fixing it right away. As for the android version - I'm running into some troubles with that, as my computer doesn't seem to be able to compile it without dying every time I try. I'll keep at it, but it might take a while.
I just played it and it looks good, I'm ooking forward to seeing the next updates